The Ohio State University College of Veterinarian Medicine Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in conjunction with OSU-Veterinarian medical center has a goal to keep antibiotics safe and effective in humans. Their antimicrobial stewardship program, Buckeye ASP, works to spread awareness amongst veterinarians about the importance of diligent usage of antibiotics for pets and livestock. Their educational video series shares this message to livestock farmers, veterinarians, and pet owners. 



The video series had to be segmented for multiple groups of veterinarians including farm, equine, and companion animal vets as well as to their clients and food producers. To broaden the reach to farm hands, the food producer video was translated to Spanish.



The Buckeye ASP team is made up of scientists, not marketers. Their normal format of storytelling takes place in long, written dissertations. We taught the group how to tell short, effective stories on camera with language that was applicable to each audience.



  • Story development
  • Multiple day onsite video recording 
  • Spanish translation
  • Voiceover recording 
  • Video editing
a veterinarian in grey scrubs from OSU sitting in front of cameras



The series produced 11 videos which included more than 30 minutes of content for multiple audiences The videos will be viewed in presentations, networked digital displays at the OSUVMC, on youtube and social media.

“I love videos. The way they are broken up with stock footage enhances the experience so much, with richer visuals that are just fantastic. The edits to the original concept with the imaging makes it speak so much volume

Buckeye ASP Team Member