The best performing B2B videos have one thing in common: a message that resonates with its audience. That message matters more to your audience than a glamourous, glitzy, perfectly crafted video ever could. Why? Because the right message shows you understand what they want. 


Marketing is Not About You

It might be your face on your company’s video, but your message should not be about you. 

It should be about providing value to your customers, demonstrating that you understand their challenges, and building trust. So that when it comes time to make a purchasing decision, they will remember that you “get it.”

Have you ever watched a B2B video and thought, “What is the point?” The business owner was rambling on and on about their humble beginnings, their list of services, and pitching you on why you should call them.

If you were bored and annoyed by this approach, I guarantee others were, too.


Be Different

Building trust in business relationships is not that much different from building trust in your personal life. 

Ask questions. Listen. Make a connection. Offer suggestions. Don’t talk about yourself all the time like that pushy salesperson or the bad-breathed blind date who won’t stop talking.

The key to standing out in a B2B video is to do your homework to find out your audience’s pain points. If you don’t know where to find this information, your Frequently Asked Questions is a great place to start. 

After you’ve listened, tell your audience something they don’t know. Offer them ways to make their lives easier. Talk to them like you would talk to a friend and discuss things that are important to them. 


Butterflies in the Stomach is a Positive Sign

Most people are nervous about being on video. I get it. When I first started, I couldn’t even count the amount of times I had to re-record the video until I sounded confident and competent. My inner voice wouldn’t stop criticizing my every move.

But the words you are saying and how they connect with your audience is more impactful than the perfect lighting or your professional acting ability. When the nerves hit when you press record, it means you care about what you’re doing. The first couple of videos you do on your own will suck, but don’t let that rob your chance to make a connection and start a relationship with a prospective client. It just takes practice.

Think of the videos that have gone viral on the internet. Many weren’t professionally produced. Someone had something important to say, got out their camera, and shot a video. Their words and how they impacted others are what made the video go viral.  The message made a connection.


Steps for an Effective Message

To make your B2B video message a success, we recommend you take the following steps:

Step 1: Start with the most important thing
You have about 7 seconds to capture your audience’s attention and keep them from swiping left. Give them what they are asking for right from the start.

Step 2: Save the history lesson
They don’t need your back story. They can do their own research if they want to find out more about how your company started. Get to the solution and why they should care ASAP.

Step 3: Drop the jargon
Don’t flex your knowledge by using industry terms or acronyms your audience might not know. They’ll feel dumb and leave, you’ll look like an idiot, and everyone loses. I am not hating on acronyms, if you want to use one, make sure to define what it is so that everyone viewing feels included.

Step 4: Keep it short
Respect their time by getting to the point fast. Say as little as possible and your video performance will increase. This will also help you build trust.

Step 5: Tell them what to do next
Always offer your audience a call to action so they can further their relationship with you. 

Once you have your message and script, practice it. Show up prepared and clear on the purpose of your video (this will help with those video nerves, too), so you can be the confident, energetic, down-to-earth person your customers want to buy from. 


Tailored to You

Each of our clients is different, and we take the time to understand your business, your audience, and what message will resonate with them.

Our process is called Story Sketch, and it takes a deep dive into communicating how your business solves your audience’s problems. Then we produce a video script that performs seamlessly for your audience.

Some people make video just to please the boss. Not us. We call that shit out. We make content that matters.

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Did we give you some things to consider when scripting content for your next video? Ya! Want more great advice?  Sign up to get an email notice about our latest blog post.

Need Help?

Not sure how to develop your brand’s voice, let alone write in it? This clarity comes with working together on a Message Map. Learn more about this service.

She may have launched the company in 2016, but Beth’s love of video actually began by learning to edit with two VCRs and a camcorder (throwback!) Beth Menduni is a born storyteller with a background in theatre, visual communications, and graphic design. She worked in video production houses for a decade before launching her own full-service video marketing company based in Columbus, OH. An all-around creative, Beth is also a singer, ceramicist, OU alumna, and proud mom.

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